
Services: Strategy

tristrategyWe consult with clients to design and guide them through flexible and cost effective processes for developing and agreeing their strategies.

Strategy Organisation Marketing Facilitation

There is no one right approach to developing strategy, just as there is no one right format for a strategy. All clients are different in terms of, for example: their competitive position; why they are embarking on a review of their strategy; the people and politics involved; the resources that are available internally; the depth of analysis required; and the urgency of the situation.

Elements of the process may include:

  • analysis of dynamics in the external operating environment and the market;
  • analysis of competitors and competitive forces;
  • stakeholder mapping and identification of their goals, needs and priorities relevant to the organisation;
  • customer analysis and research;
  • evaluation of the organisation’s internal situation (e.g. to identify critical strengths and weaknesses);
  • development of strategic goals and objectives;
  • developing functional strategies and planning of implementation programmes;
  • communicating and consulting with staff to ensure that they understand the strategy, are committed to it and know how they can contribute to its achievement;
  • devising processes and systems for monitoring performance and achievement against key performance targets.

For examples of experience please look at some case studies.

If you would like more information about our strategy services, please contact us.