We aim to deliver results for clients that enable lasting performance improvement.
We believe that competitive advantage and lasting performance improvement can be gained through achieving and maintaining alignment between the three dimensions of: an organisation’s strategy; the market and the organisation’s brand; and development of the organisation itself in terms of culture, values, people, processes and resources. We advise on strategy, marketing, and organisation development. Not all assignments involve detailed work in all three areas; however, we always take a holistic approach so that solutions in one area enhance alignment. We guide clients through the process of analysis, diagnosis, identification of options, solution development and implementation. Although facilitation is an integral activity of larger assignments, it can also be provided as a service in its own right.
For each client, we design specific processes and methodologies to understand and address their management challenges. We offer no off-the-shelf methodologies or solutions. We recognise that the goals, situations and needs of each client are unique. We have a “do it with you, not to you” approach, whereby people from the client organisation are as directly involved as possible with the work so that: the issues are understood; commitment to implement is developed; and personal development opportunities are provided.